SUBARU | June 2024 and January-June 2024 Production, Domestic Sales, and Export Results

SUBARU, July 30, 2024

SUBARU Corporation announced the production, domestic sales, and export results for June 2024 and the cumulative total from January to June 2024. In June, domestic production decreased by 5.0% year-on-year, marking the fifth consecutive month of decline, while overseas production increased by 17.6% for the third consecutive month. The global production total increased by 2.0%, the first year-on-year increase in five months. Domestic sales increased by 11.3% year-on-year, and exports decreased by 24.1%. Cumulatively, domestic production decreased by 8.4%, overseas production increased by 17.4%, global production increased by 1.4%, domestic sales decreased by 2.6%, and exports decreased by 9.6%.

Source: SUBARU (July 30, 2024)


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